Posts by ParkerUMC (Page 2)

When I Grow Up

Family Devotion Share with your family your highs and lows. What is the Best thing that happened to you today? What is the worst thing that happened to you today. Talk about these with each other. Read Psalms 121. What was your favorite part? What surprised you? How does it show Gods love? Pray for…

God Makes Me Strong

God Makes Me STRONG! (Be sure to watch the video of the Bible story or read it yourself, Esther 5:1-8, 8:1-17) In Esther’s story she was made queen and she didn’t understand why she was queen. Things started to get dangerous for her and her people! What did she do? She put her trust in…

Kids Devotional March 20

Hello Families,Today I have a devotion from Bob Goff. He is an amazing author, “recovering lawyer,” Consul to Uganda and amazing speaker. Bob is an inspiration to millions, teaching us to “dream big.” If you enjoy his devotion, look him up! He will make you laugh!  This comes from his book, Love Does for Kids.…

PUMC Scholarship Fund

Scholarship Fund for HS Seniors Active at PUMC Income from the Scholarship Fund is used to provide scholarships for High School Seniors who are going on to an institution of higher education, and who are active in PUMC youth.    The 2020 application deadline has expired. Check back early 2021 to download your application. To view a list of this year’s winners…

Married with Children

We’re forming a brand new small group for parents with kids Married with Children is a new small group for couples with children to come together and discuss marriage, parenting and life. We will meet on Sunday evenings from 4:30pm to 6:30pm. We will eat dinner together as families and childcare will start at 5:15pm while parents do a podcast or book…

Our Posadas

Making Room for a new Advent Tradition In each heart lies a Bethlehem, an inn where we must ultimately answer whether there is room or not. When we are Bethlehem-bound we experience our own advent in his. This Advent, let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that the Lord has made known to us. In the midst of shopping sprees let’s…

King Soopers Cards

NEW King Soopers’ Program to Benefit PUMC Youth No more reloading your cards! King Soopers has dropped that program and has begun an easier program called the Community Rewards Program. If you have a King Soopers Loyalty Card or Number, all you need to do is connect it to our Youth’s Non-Profit Organization name or number:  JG917 How to Connect Your Card…

Youth Happenings!

Sunday, January 27th, 2019 SLAM (Sunday School) – No, it’s Youth Sunday! Come to service. It’s going to be great! Sunday Night Life – No, we’ll all be resting after Youth Sunday! Youth Sunday All youth need to wear their youth tee-shirts and jeans. We will meet in the Sanctuary at 7 AM to check in and for last minute information. If…

Youth Happenings!

Sunday, January 20, 2019 SLAM (Sunday School) – Yes! Join us as we are just beginning the study of Moses! 9:30 AM in the Youth Room. SNL – YES! SPECIAL SCHEDULE THIS WEEK!  See Below Sunday’s YOUTH Schedule – Gather for Games and Practice for Youth Sunday ALL YOUTH – 3:00 – 5:30 for Games, Discussion & Dinner. Students will be coming and…

Youth Happenings!

Sunday, January 13, 2019 SLAM – Yes, We are starting a Bible Study about Moses (imagine that!) 9:30 AM in the Youth Room. SNL (Sunday Night Life) – Yes! 4:00 – 6:00 Jr. High 5:30 – 7:00 Sr. High With the new year, we learned sometimes it is hard to start over, as we played a life-sized game of the board game…

Youth Happenings!

January 3-10, 2019 Sunday, January 6, 2019 SLAM (Sunday school) – No, it’s Communion Sunday, please attend service with your family. Sunday Night Life (SNL) – Yes! 4:00 – 6:00 Jr. High (grades 6-8) 5:30 – Dinner for Everyone 5:30 – 7:00. Sr. High (grades 9-12) Confirmation Classes Begin January 13th Confirmation class is for all 7th grade or older youth who…

This is the Page Title

This is a subheading Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through…