Kids Devotionals

Family Devotion Showing Love

Family Devotion Describe a time when you were a witness to someone doing an incredibly kind and generous act and were also inspired to show that kind of generosity. Note: If you are with a group, have each person take a turn sharing. Scripture Reading: Acts 1:6-14: So when they had come together, they asked…

Family Devotion

Jesus’ Power Helps Us When We’re Lonely Today you will journey through a Bible story of a man who had leprosy and couldn’t be around others. Then discover how Jesus’ power helps us when we’re lonely. Created by Group Publishing

Good Friday Devotion

Good Friday If you picked up the Holy Week Packet, this was included… After Jesus was arrested, the crowd yelled and screamed for him to be punished even though he hadn’t done anything wrong.  They wanted Jesus to die on the cross.  It was a very sad day.  When Jesus came to Jerusalem, people were so happy…

When I Grow Up

Family Devotion Share with your family your highs and lows. What is the Best thing that happened to you today? What is the worst thing that happened to you today. Talk about these with each other. Read Psalms 121. What was your favorite part? What surprised you? How does it show Gods love? Pray for…

God Makes Me Strong

God Makes Me STRONG! (Be sure to watch the video of the Bible story or read it yourself, Esther 5:1-8, 8:1-17) In Esther’s story she was made queen and she didn’t understand why she was queen. Things started to get dangerous for her and her people! What did she do? She put her trust in…

Kids Devotional March 20

Hello Families,Today I have a devotion from Bob Goff. He is an amazing author, “recovering lawyer,” Consul to Uganda and amazing speaker. Bob is an inspiration to millions, teaching us to “dream big.” If you enjoy his devotion, look him up! He will make you laugh!  This comes from his book, Love Does for Kids.…