Sunday, January 20, 2019
SLAM (Sunday School) – Yes! Join us as we are just beginning the study of Moses! 9:30 AM in the Youth Room.
Sunday’s YOUTH Schedule – Gather for Games and Practice for Youth Sunday
ALL YOUTH – 3:00 – 5:30 for Games, Discussion & Dinner. Students will be coming and going for different practices for Youth Sunday, but there will be something for everyone from 3-5:30 with Cary Winters.
- 2:00 – 2:45 Youth Choir (anyone 6th-12th grade)
- 2:45 – 3:00 Usher Meeting: McKenna, Bella, John, Sophie, Kyra, Hannah, Emma, and Caitlyn.
- 3:00 – 3:30 – Skit Practice: Owen W., Christopher, Kiara, Addie, Jenna, Casey and Alan.
- 3:30 – 4:00 – All Speakers Practice: Josh H., Lily, Madison, Evan
- 4:00 – 4:20 – Be Still, My Soul – Kiara & Ainsley
- 4:20 – 4:40 – Worship Song Leaders – Hannah & Kyra
- 4:40 – 5:00 – ALL YOUTH – Church Clap Practice
- 5:00 – DINNER
Youth Group Shirts for Youth Sunday

The kids will be wearing their Youth Group shirts and jeans on Youth Sunday. If your child does not have one, I have a lot of extras in many sizes in my office. They’re only $10. Please come by the office anytime or have your youth bring money this Sunday to get one.
Snack Supper in 2019
Hey Families! Can you help by providing a meal in 2019 for

Verizon Families
If you have Verizon as your cell phone service provider and you are signed up to receive my Remind notices, please keep reading. Verizon will no longer support Remind 101 without a hefty fee, so they are being dropped. One way you can continue to receive my notices is to download the FREE Remind app. This should allow you to receive the messages there rather than as a text. OR you can change from receiving the text to receiving my alerts as an email. All directions for changes are on the bottom of the Youth News Rack (green for Jr. High and purple for Sr. High).
Audio Booth Youth!
The audio booth could use some more volunteers to help them run sound on Sunday mornings. If you have a youth (or anyone) who would love to do that kind of thing and receive volunteer hours while serving the Lord, sign up for the training class on Feb. 5th at 6:30 PM by emailing Kurt Bokenkamp at [email protected].

Super Bowl Party
Alan Carlson’s family has graciously offered to host our Youth Super Bowl Party at their home on Feb. 3rd starting no earlier than 6 PM. Please bring something to share if your last name begins with A-P. If your last name begins with Q-Z please bring two 2-liters of something to drink (no red or orange please) or a case of water. I will provide ice/paper goods. We will ALL be on the cleanup committee. Please talk to your youth about being helpful and chipping in to help clean when asked.