Featured (Page 13)

A Great Group for Moms Seeking God

Being a parent is hard work!  I am not sure that I knew exactly what I was signing up for when I became a mom.  It has been the most amazing but challenging adventure I have ever taken on.  Some days, I find that I am an amazing mom with all the patience and the love in the world.  And then there are most days where…

Hearing God’s Call: Leadership

Greetings to You All, We recently heard David Jackson speak about the Amazed by God Stewardship campaign that is beginning here at PUMC. He spoke of the changes that may happen to people as they experience the very presence of God in their lives. He spoke of the importance of prayer every day in order to hear how God is calling us…

A Firm Foundation

One of the most frustrating thing to being a mother of boys is the fact that I don’t really possess any of the “boy skills” that are needed for playing. Things like car noises, train talk, and Lego building are things that are not in my skill set. Something that I have learned in building something out of Legos is that you…

Amazed by God!

Have you ever been Amazed By God? Have you been surprised by a wonderful blessing or touched by the beauty of a moment? It happens all the time. I have discovered that it happens more often when we are actually looking for it to happen. A friend of mine says that we need to live life on ‘tip-toes’ in anticipation of what…

Finding Your Role at PUMC

Greetings to All of You, Did you know that God has gifted you in a special way for your participation here at PUMC? I want to assure you this month of how important you really are to this community of believers in Christ. Every smile, handshake, word of encouragement you give one another makes a positive impression on the other person. Every…

Looking Forward: June 2014

The month of June is always filled with renewal and fresh growth. June always connects our congregation to the other United Methodist Congregations in our area as we gather for our Annual Conference session. This year, the group will meet in Pueblo for a very unique experience. The entire group will travel from Pueblo to the historic site of the Sand Creek…

Guidance for Our Graduates

Right up front I want to apologize if I ramble a bit. As I write this month’s article, my mind is actually in a number of different times and places. You see, I am about to fly back east to see my oldest daughter, Rachel, graduate from college and I can’t seem to stop my mind from wandering. I keep thinking about…

Playing in the Sandbox

A few months ago, I was at Del Taco for lunch with Jason. Across the restaurant was a mother with three boys who were being rowdy (as boys are). Two of them began to throw huge temper tantrums that lasted for sometime. The mother was obviously frazzled, and was receiving many awful looks from the customers in the establishment. As we were…

A Message from Ruth Wills, Lay Leader

Greetings to All of You, As of March of this year, I have been your Lay Leader. What does that mean and what are my responsibilities? Within our United Methodist Church system, each local church is asked to elect a lay leader that represents the laity or lay people of that church. My responsibilities are: to communicate to you the importance of…

Imagining Our Life With Jesus

“If individuality and autonomy were the ways to happiness, this would be the happiest country in the history of mankind. We can live where we want, go where we want, have whatever hobbies we want, and do what we want. But instead of our being happy, therapists’ offices are absolutely packed and people all around us are wondering ‘Is this all there…

Looking Forward

Dear Friends: Our season of Lent together felt very strong as we shared daily Scripture together and walked the path to the celebrations of Easter Sunday. We were blessed with an overflowing Easter experience with many new relationships that are forming. Many thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make something really good happen for the Lord! The month of May…

Hitting the Pause Button

Our Mom’s Group has been journeying through a book entitled “7: A Mutiny Against Excess” by Jen Hatmaker. The book has caused me to really reflect on life and all the excess that is a part of our lives, especially in the areas of food, media, possessions, clothing, waste and stress. These last few weeks, we have been delving into stress and…

The Power of the Resurrection

Dear Friends: Will you be glad to have warm days, blue skies and green grass! That is just a part of the joy of spring that is on the horizon. It is a season of new life and blooming flowers that is highlighted within the Christian community by the celebration of Easter. Easter is a wonderful time of hopeful celebration as we…

For I Know the Plans I Have for You-Cody

There are a lot of wonderful things happening around here at Parker United Methodist Church, and it is exciting! We are just coming off a huge year in children’s Sunday School where we saw an increase in children from the previous years. We are coming off our largest Sunday ever for children’s Sunday School. Vacation Bible School is going to add another…