Looking Forward

Dear Friends:

Our season of Lent together felt very strong as we shared daily Scripture together and walked the path to the celebrations of Easter Sunday. We were blessed with an overflowing Easter experience with many new relationships that are forming. Many thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make something really good happen for the Lord!

The month of May will give us a chance to celebrate our Confirmation Class and share Mother’s Day together. But the best part of May for me happens on the 24th of the month. That is Aldersgate Day when we remember one of the most significant events in the life of our Methodist founder, John Wesley.

That was the day that a dejected Wesley attended a bible study group on Aldersgate Street in London. It was 1738 and our brother John had recently returned from a stateside mission. But he did not return as the conquering hero. In fact, he came home to London with his tail between his legs. He was dejected and baffled by his experience in Savanna Georgia.

He was asked to read a section from the Martin Luther’s preface to the Book of Romans. He recorded in his journal that in that moment he felt his heart ‘strangely warmed’ as he realized that he was loved by God just the way he was.

That Aldersgate Street experience brought him to the realization that the Anglican Church in England had sadly rejected and neglected a key New Testament teaching. He rediscovered the old truth that salvation could be found by faith alone and not by any works the person might provide. His life was changed forever.

As a result, he started preaching this renewed reality of salvation by faith alone as a gift of grace. Step by step, the Methodist movement was born. A revival broke out in England that spread to the stateside colonies and the rest (as they say) is history. It is our history! And it all started on May 24th!

Even though we think about May flowers, Mother’s Day and Memorial Weekend…I hope you will enjoy the month of May with a renewed focus of your faith. Like Wesley, wouldn’t it be wonderful to rediscover the old-old story of Jesus and his love!

God bless you all!

Yours in Christ,

Randy Jessen

PS: Don’t forget (if you live in a deer free area) to plant a potato or two for our big Parker Task Force harvest. Let’s provide as many grown with love potatoes as possible for the Task Force! Ask me how!


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