Sunday, April 23, 2017
Sunday School – Yes! 9:30 in the Youth Room (#144), then we will divide up Jr. High/Sr. High
Youth Group – Yes! Come on out for fun and fellowship!
- 5:00 – Jr. High (grades 6-8)
- 6:00 – ALL YOUTH Praise and Worship with Kyler
- 6:20 – Dinner – Provided by the Schaal Family! Thank you!
- 6:40ish – Sr. High (grades 9-12)
WE’LL BE STARTING OUR OWN EMAIL LIST SOON. If you wish to be included email: [email protected] to ensure you are on the email list.
Need Database Help
I need some help for about an hour or two next week. I am trying to create our “own email list” and I just need some help setting up the database, in our church CCB system. It may not take very long to do, I’m not sure. If you have an hour or so you could come in the church office and work in the database, please email me (or call) and we’ll schedule a time. [email protected] 720-204-4424. Thank you!
Summer Opportunity!
I sure do like to give our Sunday School teachers the summer off. Could you help a youth lead Sunday school or ask youth to read and lead them in discussion for a little less than an hour maybe twice this summer? Come give it a whirl and figure out how teaching really brings YOU closer to the word! Click here to choose a date or two that works with your schedule! AND THANK YOU!
Junior High – Time Out!

Sr. High Lock Out 
Put it on your calendars! We are having our Lock Out from June 2-3. Again, we will be meeting Friday evening between 9-10 PM, food, fun, local mission and then watch the sunrise. We head home at 7AM. Details to come later!
Summer Looks Different, Grab A Calendar

Sr. High Mission Trip Info.
PLEASE try to turn in your intent to attend form by April 14th if you plan to go (green sheet on Youth News Rack) or online CLICK HERE. I need to know how many people are planning to go and if we need to add or drop spaces as soon as possible. Here is the payment schedule if you are doing one, two or four payments:
Choose Your Payment Choice | |||
# of Payments | 1 Payment | 2 Payments | 4 Payments |
1st Payment Due | By April 30 | By April 30 | In March |
2nd Payment Due | By May 31 | By April 30 | |
3rd Payment Due | By May 31 | ||
4th Payment Due | By June 16 |
Jr. High Mission Trip Registration (current 5th – 7th graders)
NOW IS THE TIME! You may now register online with Buckhorn Camp. Once you click the link, you need to scroll down and register for Youth In Mission, June 25-30. Please enter their grade they will be entering this coming fall. It is a little confusing as you continue to register. Please fill in ALL fields that are required. When you come to a part that says Family Camp, PLEASE scroll down towards the bottom of that section and add “Family Church & City.” So, they know you are from Parker United Methodist Church. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
Do you still need a PUMC Youth T-Shirt!
Do you need to subscribe to our text updates and weekly scriptures?
I have created an account with Remind 101 so youth and parents can receive short, FREE texts oremails from me reminding them of activities or changes coming up! It’s easy to subscribe to and FREE (even if your phone says you may incur charges – fear not!) There are two different groups (Jr. High and Sr. High). As you get older you can switch groups, or stop receiving them at any time. Or if you sign up to receive emails, but then get a cell phone later, you can switch from receiving emails to texts. It’s easy and the information is ALWAYS available on the bottom rack of the Youth News Rack. Green for Jr. High, Purple for Sr. High.
Senior High
- For texts: text to: 81010 in the message area type: @a43hd to unsubscribe: reply: unsubscribe@a43hd
- For emails: send an email to [email protected] to unsubscribe: reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject line
Junior High
- For texts: text to: 81010 in the message area type: @dcf74 to unsubscribe reply: unsubscribe@dcf74
- For emails: send an email to [email protected] to unsubscribe reply with “unsubscribe” in the subject line