Special Sunday Night to Leave a Legacy! 
Please help your student(s) find or make sure they bring – their favorite scripture that really speaks to them to youth group Sunday. If they’re not sure, they can easily Google “Scripture about ________” and many helpful sites will pop up. Obviously, we have Bibles here, but if they find a version online and they like the wording, have them bring it written out. We have the opportunity to leave a legacy behind! Come to youth group Sunday to find out!
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Sunday School – Yes! EVERYONE in Room 138.
Youth Group – YES! Bring your favorite scripture either written out, or just the Book, Chapter: Verses.
- Jr. High – 4:00 – 6:00 PM
- Dinner – 5:30 Provided this week by Bella Byington’s Family, Thank you!
- Sr. High – 5:30 – 7:00
- Study Hall in room 138 for families who do not want to drive back and forth: Sr. High 4:00 – 5:15, Jr. High 6 – 7 PM.
We had a great time last week at SkyZone and also during fellowship during dinner at Arby’s. And who knew that John Cena would show up!?
Trunk or Treat
On October 29th we will ALL (Jr. High and Sr. High) meet at the church at 3:30 to help with our first ever – Trunk or Treat! This IS what we are doing for youth group on the 29th. Come dressed in a costume and help run games or crafts for the kids. Parents, while your students are helping, decorate your trunk and come help hand out candy to our attendees! Click here to register for a spot in the parking lot. Food will also available, and you can sign up to help with that as well, by using the previous link. It’s our first (and will hopefully be annual) Trunk or Treat event. Come out and have a great time!
Why this Envelope is Important
We will be starting a new 3-4 week study about why this envelope is important. Youth need to understand why committing each month to the church is important. Without commitment from our congregation, it is hard for us to know how much or when tithes will come in to support our ministries. Talk about going on faith! Giving is good, but commitment to a schedule is great! Why this Envelope is Important begins Oct. 29th and ends on Nov. 19th when students will be given the opportunity to make their own anonymous monthly commitment for the 2018 Faithful Giving campaign.
Feed My Starving Children – Youth Time
We will be helping with FMSC on Saturday, Oct. 29th from 12-2. To SIGN UP for a spot in our group please click here and sign up. IF you need a code use this one:1246297. IF WE FILL UP – please let me know and we can open another spot. ([email protected])
Youth Leadership Council Applications Available
Wewill be starting a Youth Leadership Council in January of 2018. Students must submit an application and be willing to be a part of the planning, welcoming and work it takes to run and clean up from youth activities. This will be a great opportunity to add a leadership position to your college resume. To begin, the council will meet once a month (and probably on a Sunday at some time). If needed we may bump it to twice a month, but we will start and see how it goes. Applications will be available on the Youth News Rack, or you can click here to download it and fill it out at home. The deadline for the application is November 19th and must be put in the box outside April’s office (located in the main church office).