Finding Your Role at PUMC

Greetings to All of You,

Did you know that God has gifted you in a special way for your participation here at PUMC? I want to assure you this month of how important you really are to this community of believers in Christ. Every smile, handshake, word of encouragement you give one another makes a positive impression on the other person. Every role of leadership you passionately take part in can strengthen the overall health of our church. I use that work ‘passionately’ because that is a sign of God’s gifting for you. God has brought each one of us to this church at this time, and it is up to each of us to look inward and pray for understanding of our role. Maybe it is in hospitality, or missions, or worship, or encouragement, or teaching, or in specific leadership, or in some yet unknown way. Take some intentional time in prayer this month with God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is always speaking, but so often we are not listening!

We as a church are very active with missions. The youth have come back with new insights and experiences, adults have gone to Haiti and Romania and soon to South Dakota. I encourage you to talk to one who has been ‘on mission’ and be amazed at what they have experienced.

God’s blessings to each of you!

Ruth Wills


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