A Firm Foundation

One of the most frustrating thing to being a mother of boys is the fact that I don’t really possess any of the “boy skills” that are needed for playing. Things like car noises, train talk, and Lego building are things that are not in my skill set. Something that I have learned in building something out of Legos is that you have to have the right foundation, or else the entire building will topple. And out of my hours of experience on Lego building, I can tell you for 100% certainty that building a strong foundation isn’t the most fun or exciting thing about building. But it is necessary!

Isn’t that true with life? We talk a lot about building a firm foundation, but it is so important in our lives! Without that firm foundation, our “buildings” will tumble under stress. As we begin this new school year, how is your foundation looking? Are you in need of starting to build a firm foundation? Have you been building a firm foundation, but have found holes that need to be strengthened? Are you in need of expanding your firm foundation? There are many ways for you to firm up your foundation offered here at Parker United Methodist Church, and I would encourage you, as well as your family to join a class or a group and help build up that foundation.

Remember that song from Sunday School? “The foolish man built his house upon the sand, his house upon the sand, his house upon the sand. The foolish man built his house upon the sand, and the house on the sand went splat. The wise man built his house upon the rock, his house upon the rock, his house upon the rock. The wise man built his house upon the rock, and the house on the rock stood firm!” (found in Matthew 7:24-27). Let’s be like the wise man and build our foundations on the Rock!


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