Sunday, June 10, 2018
Sunday School – No, it’s Youth Sunday!!
Youth Group – No, it’s Youth Sunday, we’ll be exhausted!
THIS SUNDAY – If you’re involved with Youth Sunday please arrive to the Sanctuary around 7-7:15 AM. We will be doing a sound check for the choir, our Corny Cornfields, and much more! Please be on time. It’s a long morning, but very worth it. The congregation loves this!
If you haven’t seen it, you’ll definitely want to. Come on out to Worship service. The video will play during Special Music time. It’s awesome. Everyone did such a great job!
TONIGHT – Senior High Bible Study to Begin
Our Senior High Bible Study will begin TONIGHT at 7PM in the Choir Room! If you’re in high school or you’ll be going into high school in the fall, come join us if you’d like! The choir room is located on the first floor beside the Elevator. We look forward to seeing you then!
Tickets for Sister Act
On July 22, we will be going to Sister Act at 2PM the Pace Center. I have 20 tickets. The first 20 youth to turn in money to reserve a ticket will get them. Tickets are $21.60 a piece. Checks can be made out to PUMC with “Youth Sister Act” in the memo. There is a chance I could purchase more, but I will have to act fast. So, please turn your money in to the church office quickly, so I know if we will need more tickets or not.

We have room for YOU!
The Sr. High needs another chaperone and also has spots for two (or more) youth that NEED to be filled. The youth need to be an age of going into 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade this fall or have recently graduated. Chaperones need to be 25+ years of age. Chaperones do not need to pay. The trip is July 8-14 to Pine Ridge, SD. Cost for youth is $450 for the whole week. Please email [email protected] for more information. We’d LOVE to have you!