I will be out ALL of next week for Jr. High Mission Trip.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Sunday School – Yes! Report to the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 AM to help run Children’s Sunday School
Youth Group – No, I will be gone on the Jr. High Mission Trip
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Sunday School – Yes! Report to the Fellowship Hall at 9:30 AM to help run Children’s Sunday School
Youth Group – Yes! We are meeting from 1:30 – 3:30. We will decorate for VBS from 1:30 – 3:00 and then have an ice-cream sundae bar till 3:30.
Last Sunday we had a wonderful time leading worship for the church at all three services!
Are Your Kids Bored of Summer Yet?
Our VBS team could use some help cutting, gluing and helping make the wonderful decorations! They will be here Friday (6/15) at 10 AM if you’d like to drop off your youth and a friend of theirs to come on out and give a few hours and get out of the house. If you’re going INTO high school you can receive volunteer hours for your service! I’ll be in my office and can point you in the right direction, so come on out!
Tickets for Sister Act
On July 22, we will be going to Sister Act at 2PM the Pace Center. I have 20 tickets. The first 20 youth to turn in money to reserve a ticket will get them. Tickets are $21.60 a piece. Checks can be made out to PUMC with “Youth Sister Act” in the memo. There is a chance I could purchase more, but I will have to act fast. So, please turn your money in to the church office quickly, so I know if we will need more tickets or not.
Sunday, June 24 – Ice Cream Sundaes!
For Youth Time on Sunday June 24th we will meet at 1:30 in the Fellowship/Narthex area to give a hand at helping put up VBS decorations. At 3, we’ll break for ice cream sundaes! So, come on out, and check in with Noelle to be given an assignment!

We have room for YOU!
The Sr. High needs another chaperone and also has spots for two (or more) youth that NEED to be filled. The youth need to be an age of going into 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade this fall or have recently graduated. Chaperones need to be 25+ years of age. Chaperones do not need to pay. The trip is July 8-14 to Pine Ridge, SD. Cost for youth is $450 for the whole week. Please email [email protected] for more information. We’d LOVE to have you!
Kickball and Picnic on July 1st.
On July 1st we will all be meeting from 5-7 PM at the Rowley Downs Park (20184 E Williamson Dr, Parker, CO 80138) for a picnic and kickball tournament. Please click here to sign up to bring something for the picnic. There are NO bathrooms, so please make sure your child is “empty” before arriving to the park. Ha, ha! Thanks! PLEASE connect to the “Remind 101” text messages if you haven’t, in case of weather you can be notified at the last minute. (Info on the Remind messages can always be found on the bottom of the youth news rack in the Narthex. Green for Jr High, Purple for High School).