January 3-10, 2019
Sunday, January 6, 2019
SLAM (Sunday school) – No, it’s Communion Sunday, please attend service with your family.
Sunday Night Life (SNL) – Yes!
- 4:00 – 6:00 Jr. High (grades 6-8)
- 5:30 – Dinner for Everyone
- 5:30 – 7:00. Sr. High (grades 9-12)
Confirmation Classes Begin January 13th
Confirmation class is for all 7th grade or older youth who would like to confirm their decision in joining Parker United Methodist Church. We will meet Sunday mornings from 10:45 – 12:00 AM, ending with Confirmation Sunday on April 28th. Please email [email protected] to receive the schedule, as we will be taking a few weeks off due to various events.
Youth Sunday – January 27th
Youth will be encouraged to sign up for ushers and greeters and learn our “Church Clap” dance for service. Youth who are interested need to sign up at SLAM or SNL.

ANNOUNCING – YOUTH CHOIR! – Starting Sunday, Jan. 16th
I am pleased to announce we will be having a youth choir for all students in grades 6-12. To make this convenient for you, we will be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Sundays, from 10:30-11:00 AM, in ___ (TBA next week). I am so happy that Jennifer Winters has agreed to help me start this amazing opportunity for all of our students! Please watch our weekly email for updates and rehearsal dates!
Sr. High Retreat

This year the Sr. High retreat is scheduled for February 1-2 at the church and will cost $35, as I am trying to save money due to our Alaska trip. We will start at 6:00 Friday evening and end at 10 PM Saturday night. We will be swimming, eating in and eating out. I’m excited to announce that Pastor Cody will be leading our spiritual piece! I will need some parent drivers and just a couple more “small group leaders” at their homes possibly twice on Saturday. Once in the morning and one more time later in the afternoon. Please CLICK HERE TO REGISTER. If you can drive or lead a small group, please CLICK HERE.
Can You Host the Youth Super Bowl Party?

We are looking for a host home of the 2019 Super Bowl Party on Feb. 3rd. We will bring all the food and supplies and I’ll even have a clean up crew! If you think you are up to having us, please email me! [email protected]