Waiting on the Word

Friday December 6, 2013
Colossians 1:24-29

Imagine that you are developing a plan to share the story of Advent and the coming of Jesus with someone who had no idea about the real significance of Christmas. Where would you start? You could start with the message of Gabriel or with the relationship between Mary and Joseph. Or perhaps you would begin with the journey of Mary and Joseph from Nazareth to Bethlehem to be a part of the census. Sooner or later, we would get to the manger of Bethlehem with the miraculous star and the visitation of shepherds. You might even mention the glorious sound of the angels singing in celebration.

Our reading today speaks about Paul’s desire to tell people about the significance of the life of Jesus. He decides to start with the suffering of Jesus for the sake of the church. He also makes reference to the mystery of faith that was once hidden but is now a public declaration. The message becomes public because it is the desire of God to encourage the proclamation of Jesus to the entire world. And it all happens for a combined set of purposes. The mystery is disclosed because it reveals the glory of God and it points to the hope that is in Christ Jesus.

So, let’s go back to where we started. Where would you start if you really wanted to share the beauty of our faith in Jesus? Have you done that lately? Have you told anyone about the hope you have in Jesus? Maybe that would be a fitting experience for consideration and Advent action! Would you be willing to tell someone this weekend about the hope that is within you?

Take some time to consider where you would start and what you would want to say.

Memory Verse For This Week:

“The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.” Colossians 1:15

Missional Prayer Focus For Today:
Please pray for the Children’s ministry. Pray for our staff, our Sunday School teachers and the students. Ask God’s blessing upon our children, their leaders, and their families.

Remember to put on your calendar the annual children’s program, this year on Thursday, 12/19 at 7pm following our last Advent supper and study.

Be sure to join us in worship on Sunday. The 8:00 and 9:30 services will feature the annual presentation of Handel’s Messiah. Be sure to come early…it is always a packed sanctuary. 11:00 will be the typical format featuring our worship band and an Advent message.


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