Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017 – Pastor Randy’s Birthday!
Sunday School – No. It’s Communion Sunday, please attend service with your family. JR HIGH see my note below!
Youth Group – Yes!
- Jr. High 4:00 – 6:00 PM
- Snack Dinner 5:30 for youth of all ages
- Sr. High 5:30 – 7:00
- Study Hall Room 138 (For youth with a sibling in a different age group (Jr./Sr. High) 4:00 – 5:15 for Sr. High, 6:00 – 7:00 for Jr. High.)
Last week was a great time for the youth, as we helped with the Children’s Ministry event, Trunk or Treat! Many families decorated their cars and the youth were on hand to help with games, crafts and food. Thank you all!
Even though we do not have Sunday School – would you please find out where your parents are sitting in church and then come meet me in the Fellowship Hall for a special quick mission project. We will be stuffing the Youth Into the World (college age kids) care packs. Once we’re done you can rejoin your parents in church. I’ll meet you in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30! Thanks!
TONIGHT is the FMSC Fundraiser for November
You MUST take this flyer (click here to access it), Mom’s take a night off and come out to Texas Roadhouse in Parker tonight to see many church friends, and help support the Feed My Starving Children Fundraiser. If you come out anytime between 4 – 10PM and present this flyer 10% of your bill will go towards the FMSC Parker Food Pack. If you can’t make it, consider a $5 donation (or more) anytime by placing your designated check in the offering plate. (Just write FMSC in the memo line.)
Youth Leadership Council Applications Available
The deadline is approaching! We will be starting a Youth Leadership Council in January of 2018. Students must submit an application and be willing to be a part of the planning, welcoming and work it takes to run and clean up from youth activities. This will be a great opportunity to add a leadership position to your college resume. To begin, the council will meet once a month (and probably on a Sunday at some time). If needed we may bump it to twice a month, but we will start and see how it goes. Applications will be available on the Youth News Rack, or you can click here to download it and fill it out at home. The deadline for the application is November 19th. Applications may be scanned and emailed to April, given to her or put in her office.
A Youth Family Event! 
Finally a time to come and meet, socialize and spend time with other parents of our youth! The first ever Youth + Family Easy Mission Event! Expect some jamming Christmas music all through the church to help get you in the holiday spirit. On Sunday, November 26th at 4:00 we will all meet in the Narthex for the hanging of the greens. Soup, Salad, Dessert and a holiday devotional will end our fellowship time together. Click here to sign up to help with the dinner.
Changes to the Green Calendar
If you have a green calendar at home, please make the following changes. On December 16th I had scheduled a Parents Shopping Day as a fundraiser for youth, please mark that off, as our fundraiser for the year will be in February. Please add: on Sunday, Dec. 17th we will be hosting the Welcome Home Breakfast for our college-age youth and their families from 10:30-11:30 in the Fellowship Hall. Please watch for more information regarding these events in our upcoming emails.