January 7, 2018
Sunday School – No, it’s Communion Sunday, please attend service with your family.
Youth Group – Yes! We’ll be practicing and getting ready for Youth Sunday!
- Jr. High – 4:00
- Snack Dinner for All – 5:30 – Provided by the Garneau Family – Thank you!
- Sr. High – 6:00
Can You Provide A Meal in 2018?
Youth dinners are a vital part of our Sunday evenings and help provide a true time for fellowship and fun. If you are able to provide a snack dinner some evening, please choose a date that works best for you. Click here to access the signup genius – and thank you so much!
Youth Led Services 
On January 28th the youth will lead all services – in almost all capacities! (Hold on to your hats – we MAY even have a youth playing the organ!….We’ll see.) Please talk to your youth about signing up at youth group for places we will need help – such as greeters, ushers, working at our fundraising table and our drama piece. We will also close the service together during the benediction. It should be a great Sunday for our church to see our youth in action! Sign ups start Sunday at Youth Group.
Winter/Spring Youth Calendars Now Available
When you come to church, grab a new winter/spring activities calendar from the top shelf of the Youth News Rack (in the Narthex). They’re always lime green.
Confirmation Classes to Begin THIS SUNDAY!
PUMC confirmation classes are for students in grades 7-10 who would like to confirm their membership and join Parker United Methodist Church. These classes will be offered Sunday mornings from 10:45-12:00 Jan.–Apr. (with a Sunday off each month) in the youth room (#144). If you have questions or would like to register your student, please email April at [email protected] and give her: your student’s name, grade, parents’ names, address, and a contact phone number. (These are the dates for class: Jan. 14, 21, Feb. 4, 11, 25, March 4, 11, 25, April 8, 15, 22 and Confirmation on April 29th.)
A Bible Study for High School Students Starting in January!
Kurt and Tina Stroman are beginning a new 8 week Bible study at their house on Tuesday nights starting January 9th from 7-8 PM. They’ll be leading a study on the book of Ephesians. Although Ephesians is one of the shortest books in the New Testament in terms of word count (only 6 chapters and 155 verses), it is perhaps the most applicable to today’s culture. Please RSVP to Tina ([email protected]) so they will have enough books ordered to begin the class. Cost of the book is $13 and can be paid on the first night of class (Jan. 9th). This will be at the Stroman’s house: 11692 Larkspur Drive, Parker, 80134.
Youth Fundraiser
Please mark, Friday, February 9th on your calendar as a youth Fundraiser evening. We will be hosting a free church-wide dance for everyone. We’ll have refreshments, a small silent auction and several ways people can donate throughout the evening. More details to come!
Jr. High Mission Trip 2018 Buckhorn Camp
All current 6th & 7th graders are invited to attend Buckhorn Camp’s Youth In Mission again this year! This trip is a half mission/half camp experience for our junior high. We will be going June 17-22. When you register you may pay the whole cost of registration ($300) OR place a $100 deposit to secure a spot. To register click here and register directly with Buckhorn Camp for Youth In Mission SESSION 1. If you wait too long, registration may be full and also in April the cost will go up to $325.
CURRENT 8th GRADERS please scroll down for Sr. High trip information, as you will be considered 9th graders by next summer. If you have other questions, please feel free to email me: [email protected]
Sr. High Mission Trip 2018 – Pine Ridge, South Dakota
This year we are partnering with Next Step Ministries and will travel to Pine Ridge, South Dakota, to help on one of the largest Native American reservations in our country. Our trip dates are July 8-14. The cost of this trip is $450. To reserve a spot on the trip please download, fill out and turn in this form along with a $50 deposit check for each child attending this trip. Please make it out to PUMC with “your child’s name – Sr. Hi Mission Trip” in the memo line. I have heard great things about Next Step Ministries, and I am anxious for this experience. Email any questions to [email protected]