The Breath of God for a New Year

Greetings Everyone,

This is a month when we traditionally think of giving thanks, and this is certainly an appropriate time to thank all of you who have been in leadership of our Parker UMC.  Some of you are going off a committee, some of you are staying on or changing to another committee and some of you are just beginning a commitment to be on a committee. From all of us on the Nominations & Leadership Development Committee – “We thank you for being available and attentive to the responsibilities of committee work!”

As we move into this next season of the Christian Year- Advent, I want all of us to spend some time thinking of the importance of this upcoming season as an opportunity to deepen our individual spiritual journey of relationship with our Lord and Savior.   Advent is known as a time of preparation for the coming of the Christ Child.  Our church often celebrates with the lighting of an Advent Wreath, with each week focusing on a different aspect of this time of waiting.  So listen and watch for what is said during the lighting of the candles.  Think of the candle colors and what they represent; purple represents ‘seriousness’ or ‘repentance’ or ‘royalty’, pink represents ‘joy’, and the white candle represents ‘purity’ and Christ.  Here is some background of the word Advent:  it is from the Latin word adventus which means arrival, coming, visit, approach;  just looking at the beginning of the word – ad, in Latin means to, toward, about, or at;  the end of the word – ventus, means wind.  That makes me think of the breath of God coming anew in this year.  My hope for you is that you will find greater meaning and joy in Christmas by spending time preparing your spirit and mind during this Advent time.

Thanks be to God for all the blessings we have been given!

Ruth Wills, Lay Leader

303-693-7365[email protected]


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