Sunday, October 1, 2017
Sunday School – No, it’s Communion Sunday. Please attend service with your family.
Youth Group – Yes! Come on out and learn more about leadership!
- Jr. High – 4:00 – 6:00
- Sr. High – 5:15 – 7:00
- Snack Dinner at 5:35 provided by the Addy Family – Thank you!
- Study Hall – Room 138 Sr. High from 4 – 5:15 PM, Jr. High from 6 – 7 PM
The Youth had a great time last weekend on retreat Seeking God.
A New Sunday School Class
This is a class for parents – it is not about parenting. It’s simply an opportunity for you to grow in your faith with a group you know – or should get to know! Meet in the youth room for social time at 10:45 with class starting at 11:00. Tell your kids to meet up with April right outside the sanctuary and we will attend 11:00 service together. Class is being led by Scott & Paula Addy.
No Youth Group
We are not having youth group on Sunday, October 8th due to so many students being on Fall Break. We will resume on the 15th with SkyZone/Arby’s Night. (see below)
SkyZone/Arby’s Night – October 15 
On October 15, we are ALL (both Sr. & Jr. High) meeting at SkyZone at 4:45. Our jump time is from 5-6. Afterwards we will walk across the parking lot to Arby’s for food and fellowship from 6-7. Jumping is $10, and your Arby’s meal will probably be around $10. You will pay me $10 for jumping any Sunday beforehand or when you get there. You will pay Arby’s for your meal. Fill out a liability waiver here and THEN email me that you are going. SkyZone will cross check you have a liability waiver online before you can jump. Parents drop at 4:45 at SkyZone, pick up at 7 at Arby’s.
Trunk or Treat
On October 29th we will ALL (Jr. High and Sr. High) meet at the church at 3:30 to help with our first ever – Trunk or Treat! This IS what we are doing for youth group on the 29th. Come dressed in a costume and help run games or crafts for the kids. Parents, while your students are helping, decorate your trunk and come help hand out candy to our attendees! Click here to register for a spot in the parking lot. Food will also available, and you can sign up to help with that as well, by using the previous link. It’s our first (and will hopefully be annual) Trunk or Treat event. Come out and have a great time!
Fundraiser for Youth
In February we will be hosting a free Church-Wide Dance! There will be various opportunities to make donations that evening to the Youth Fund. One opportunity will be a silent auction while the dance is in progress. If you have either a destination location available or any sports tickets (maybe season tickets with an open date), or if you can give a gift card or two to donate for the fundraiser, please reach out and let me know. I appreciate your help!