SLAM (Sunday school) – December 23 and 30, but NOT Jan. 6
SNL (Youth Group) – Not until January 6, 2019
Last Sunday night we had a fun night with a movie (The Star – it was awesome!) and popcorn (and some had ice cream afterwards at Dairy Queen!)

Provide a Snack Dinner for 2019
When you get a chance, take a look at the signup genius for our snack dinners for 2019. I appreciate all of you and how much your generosity helps our fellowship time on Sunday nights!
Sr. High Retreat – DATE CHANGE
Okay, I lied. Sorry about that. I’ll try not to do that in 2019. Our Sr. High Retreat will be February 1-2. Due to our Alaska trip, I am trying to make this very affordable. It shouldn’t cost any more than than $35. I will have a signup genius in January. Cody Anderson will be leading our spiritual piece for the weekend. We will be staying at the church on Winter Shelter cots and doing some fun things around Parker. More to come later!
Jr. High Lock In at the Field House
We will be joining a lot of youth groups for a very fun lock in on April 6th at the field house for a very fun-filled lock in! I will be there with our kids, so no worries. Watch for more information about cost and times after the holidays.

Alaska Families
Don’t forget your next $500 payment will be due by January 15th. Also your paperwork needs to be finished by then as well. CLICK HERE to access the paperwork. Also the dance and auction is on February 8th. I will be sending out more information about your auction items in January. Thanks everyone! I’m super excited about this trip, as I just know it’s going to be an incredible experience in every way.
Confirmation for 7th Graders and Above
I will be starting Confirmation Classes on January 13 for all 7th graders or older who would like to join the church. Youth of parents are not considered members of the United Methodist Church until they go through confirmation. This is an opportunity for them to learn about the Methodist religion and what we believe and the sacraments. Then they make the decision to join the church for themselves. If you need or want more information please email me [email protected] or call 303-841-3979.
Youth Sunday
Starting in January we’ll be preparing for Youth Sunday – so have your youth attend so we can get them signed up to help with greeting, ushering, dancing, and singing! No worries! I just want them to feel comfortable and know what’s happening on Sunday, January 27th.