Sunday, October 7, 2018
- SLAM – Sunday School – No, it’s Communion Sunday, please attend service!
- SNL – Youth Group – No, we are observing DCSD Fall Break.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
- SLAM – Sunday School – Yes! 9:30 in the Youth Room (144)
- SNL – Youth Group – Yes! Jr. High at 4, Sr. High at 5:30, Snack Supper provided by the Anderson Family – Thank you!
Last Sunday several youth and adults ventured out on our bikes after the picnic at Challenger Park. What a beautiful day for an 8-mile ride! A big thanks to Glenn Yinger for his leadership and guidance on this adventure!
October 20th Youth to Help Parker Task Force
We have reserved two different time slots to help the Parker Task Force collect food on October 20th – please choose one that works with your schedule the best. We will be at the Parker Wal-Mart from 10-12 and 12-2. Have your youth contact their friends and pick the same time slot. I am encouraging youth to eat lunch together in Subway either before their shift (11 AM) or after their shift at 12:00. It will be a great opportunity to offer our service and also have great fellowship time together. CLICK HERE to choose your time slot. I will sign off on these hours for High School Community Service Hours!
No Youth Group on Sunday, Oct. 21st
Trunk or Treat Fun at PUMC 
Order your trunk or treat decorations now and start planning to attend our 2nd Annual Trunk or Treat at the church on Oct. 28th. Youth will be helping the Children’s Ministries with games for the event and are encouraged to dress up in costumes. (We’ll have a youth costume contest!) Set up is at 3:30, Trunk or Treat 4-5, Clean up and done by 5:30. No snack dinner that evening.
Youth T-Shirts Have Arrived!
Please stop by the T-Shirt Table in the Narthex October 14th or swing by the church office to pay for ($10) and pick up your child’s Youth Group T-Shirt! If you did not order one, I have extras so please stop by if you’d like one for your youth! (Correct change would be MUCH appreciated, but I’ll try to have some.) Checks can be made out to PUMC with Youth Shirt in the memo.
Snack Dinner Sign Up 2018-2019
A large part of our fellowship for the youth revolves around our snack supper time. Each week a family provides an easy snack supper for the youth. Both Jr. High and Sr. High eat together in the narthex from 5:30-6:00. Dinners can be pasta, subs, baked potato bar, etc. Although pizza is easy, we try to reserve that for emergencies, as the kids do tire of it quickly. CLICK HERE to sign up for a Sunday snack dinner. See the sign up for more details. Thank you so much as it adds another level of fellowship on our Sunday evenings.
27 Folks are Signed Up for Alaska – Last Chance to Register!
We are filling up! Our Sr. High Mission Trip is June 8-15, 2019. CLICK HERE to view and download all the UPDATED information, fundraising information, and the registration form. Our deadline for a guaranteed spot was September 15. However, you may still sign up at this time. Thirst Missions has released unsecured registrations as of now, to other churches. You will be able to continue to register ONLY while there is space. Please consider registering soon, if you would like to go, but have not yet registered. Click here to view the video regarding our trip with Thirst Missions to Alaska. A flyer about the Thirst Mission’s Alaska trip is also available on the Youth News Rack.