General Conference 2016 for the UMC

A Big Day at the UMCGC2016

Every morning there is a lot of information and special presentations that occur. This morning John Street UMC in New York City was highlighted as we celebrated its’ 250th Anniversary. The early history began with a card game and a woman from Ireland interrupting that game by throwing the cards into the fire. She was so upset at the lack of a church, she talked to another Irishman and asked him to begin preaching. People began to show up for worship and a new church began- one of the first Methodist churches in the U.S. United Methodist Women also presented their 150th Anniversary (which is actually in 2019). Our Bishop Elaine Stanovsky was the presiding bishop for the Plenary, which is never particularly easy, and she did a great job of explaining the voting process. I have been impressed with the graciousness and humility of the presiding bishops!

About 4:00 pm I was asked to take the floor and was able to vote on several interesting petitions like Global Health, Advocacy for the Persecuted Church, how elections occur, and justice for women and girls’ equality and well being. Very neat and meaningful for me to enter the ‘floor’ where only voting delegates can enter and sit at the table with other delegates, putting on the headphones to hear translations and participate in the electronic voting. That evening all of the Western Jurisdiction people were invited to go to the Rock Bottom Brewery for dinner and an evening of fun and relaxation. Rev. Youngsook Kang, Director of Mission and Ministry of our conference put out the invitation.
Found out early this morning that many of our group had a very short night, but I will talk about that tomorrow!

The sun has once again appeared and the rain has gone. No more trying to avoid getting wet while walking to the light rail.

Grace and Peace,


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