Summer’s Coming

I can’t believe I’ve been here for four months already!  Time is flying by – we must be having fun!  It’s been so great to meet so many of the youth.  We had 13 graduates at PUMC this year and we wish them all good luck for their future plans.  Those students are:

  1. Jessica Baumbach
  2. Ellie Furuta
  3. Franceksa Gilsdorf
  4. Erin Hill
  5. Michael Huckle
  6. Chessa Kerr
  7. Jerry Kigerl
  8. Samantha Pier
  9. Sam Ross
  10. Isaac Stroman
  11. Katie Wallace
  12. Matthew Weber
  13. Megan Zimbeck

We are gearing up for our two Mission Trips this summer.  If you’re able to help with a donation it sure would be appreciated.  We’ve estimated around $6,000 in expenses such as van rental, chaperone fees, and gas for the two trips. If you would like to  make a donation, please write Youth Mission Donation in the memo portion of your check and send it in to the office or drop it in the offering plate.  Our Junior High are traveling to Cortez, CO at the end of June and the Senior High are going to Tsaile, AZ, at the end of July.  It will be a great experience for everyone!

Our summer is jam packed and ready with activities.  For a schedule, please find the yellow calendar sheet at the top of the Youth News Rack, in the office or in the youth room.  It’s a complete schedule for the summer (unless we would be adding some more to an already full schedule!)

Move Up Sunday will be June 5th.  So, if you have a current 5th grader who will move up to 6th he or she is now part of our youth group, and I look forward to meeting them!  We have Sunday School each week, except for the first Sunday of the month. We encourage students to attend church with their family (or with me) as it is Communion Sunday. Otherwise Junior High Youth (grades 6, 7, & 8) meet for Sunday school in room #138 and the Senior High (grades 9, 10, 11 & 12) meet in the Youth Room (#144)


I am having an informational meeting on two different Sundays, so please try to attend one.  May 29th or June 5th I will be in the Youth Room (144) at 10:30ish (a little after the 9:30 service).  So grab a donut and come on back.  I’ll have some handouts about our activities, meals, forms of communication and answer any questions you have.  This is for students going into grades 6-12 in the fall and of course their parents as well!


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