Important Information about Upcoming Events
Junior High Lock In THIS FRIDAY 9/16 
I still need one, or two, more chaperones. It’s going to be a lot of fun! Heads up though, if I do not have any other volunteers, I will need to cancel the event due to liability. So, pray about it, inquire about it, and let me know (text or call 720-383-1577 or email [email protected])
Students may arrive at 7PM or later. We will have check-in/settle in time from 7-7:30. Unfortunately, I have a conflict at the beginning of the evening. Jen Winters has graciously volunteered to welcome kids and get them settled until I arrive. Please walk your student in and sign them in downstairs in the Narthex. Students need to bring bedding, (air mattresses or cots are encouraged if you don’t think the hard floor will work for you) for watching movies, sleeping, etc. Also, please have them bring something warm to wear and maybe a blanket to wrap up in, as we plan to go outside to star-gaze. Students will also be asked to sign a Youth Covenant, and if those guidelines are not being respected you may be called to pick up your child early. Otherwise, pick up will be Saturday at 9 AM.
Senior High Ropes Course – THIS SUNDAY
Everyone is encouraged to attend as this is a wonderful opportunity for us to all grow spiritually and faithfully with God and with each other. Even if you have no desire to do the high course, please come along and be a part of this time of trusting, learning and overcoming challenges with us!
Please meet us in the middle north parking lot for carpool logistics at 11:45 AM. Please bring a signed liability waiver (located on the Youth News Rack in the Narthex). Cost is $20 (paid either in cash or by check to PUMC – memo: Ropes Course). The youth budget will cover the other half of the cost. Departure time is 12:00 and return time will be between 5-6 PM. Students will call when we are 20 minutes away from the church. We will be at the Ponderosa Retreat & Conference Center in Larkspur.
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Sunday School – Yes! 9:30 Jr. High Room 138, Sr. High in the Youth Room (144)
Youth Group – No, for the Jr. High due to Friday’s Lock In
Yes, for the Sr. High – Ropes Course (11:45 – 5/6 PM)
Last Friday Alan Woodruff and April went out to support our Ponderosa High School youth for Football Fellowship! Ponderosa Band Members are: 1) Lily Peterson 2) Annabelle Peterson and 3) Megan Stout. PHS Student in attendance was Sarah Pope.