Sunday, June 18th, 2017
Sunday School – Yes! Everyone meet in the Fellowship Hall at 9:30
Youth Group – Yes! We are headed to the Rockies Game. Game time is 1:10. You must already have a ticket (from me) to attend with our group. If you have decided you would like to go, you may purchase tickets there. We will be in section U331.
No Youth Group June 25 or July 2nd 
The Jr. High leave on our mission trip to Buckhorn Camp on June 25, so we will not have youth group that Sunday. Also, we will be off on July 2nd due to the holiday weekend!
July 4th Festivities at PUMC – Needing Help
Each year on the Fourth of July we open our parking lot to the residents of Parker to view the city’s fireworks display. Please come be a part of this great community outreach if you’re in town! We usually offer bottles of water, bags of popcorn and help with parking. Come early, get a great spot, then put on your smile and make our visitors’ night by offering a free gesture of hospitality! If you can, click here to let us know how you would like to help!
Art Supply Drive
Current Senior, Jacob Addy, is working on his Eagle Scout project that will benefit Children’s Hospital. He and fellow volunteers will be collecting art supplies (to be donated) in between services on July 9 and 23rd. If you’d like to help benefit Children’s Hospital they will be collecting: NEW colored pencils, crayons (8 pk), water color paints, play dough, pony beads, sketch pads, word searches, crossword puzzles (all ages), puzzles (24-500 pcs), playing cards, small Lego & K’nex kits, Spanish language books & videos, glue & glue sticks, scissors, batteries (C,D, AA, & AAA), search & find books, craft kits, cardstock, construction paper…..
H2O’Brien Pool Party!
Join us on July 9th for the pool party from 1-4. Admission is $4 and you may bring your own lunch/snacks or you may bring extra money for the “snack bar.” No glass containers!
Sr. High Mission Trip Informational Meeting
Informational Meeting THIS Sunday at 10:30 in the Youth Room (#144). We will go over a few other notes, packing lists and there is another medical form that is NOT online that you will receive that morning. Please email me, come by or call if you cannot make it to the meeting and need to get the forms.
Want to Care & Give Therapy to a Pony?
PUMC member, Vivianne Murphy, has a pony that would love walking, grooming, his feet cleaned and overall love and care. A great opportunity for someone who loves to spend time with animals and would enjoy gaining the experience! Also if you’re looking for extra money she is needing help with yard upkeep. She lives alone, is waiting on should surgery, and she needs help with mowing and trimming. She lives out on Delbert Road between Singing Hills and East Parker Road. She’s willing to pay $8-$10/hr. If you’re interested please call Vivian Murphy at 303-841-7411. If you get her voice mail please leave a message!
Hey Parents.. 
If you are EVER willing to drive students to events, could you please get me a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card, so I can keep it on file for the year? Then we don’t have to worry about collecting it for a particular event. You could either scan it and email it, or copy it and either bring it by or put it in the mail. If you can do that, I’d appreciate it so much! Thanks!