Sunday, March 26, 2017
Sunday School – Yes! At 9:30 All Youth together in Youth Room then we will divide up.
Youth Group – YES! ALL YOUTH 4-7 PM for the first of two weeks of a movie study! Come see “Facing the Giants” as it will be the topic of discussion for two weeks! If you are going to talk through the movie, please choose to stay home. We want to hear the message we’ll be discussing!
We have a lot of things happening in April! Please talk to your youth/parents and sign up through the links provided. Thanks!
Exciting New Addition to Youth Time!
Kyler Baxter, a senior at Legend High School, has graciously offered to lead us in praise and music time! Come join us Sunday, March 26th for our first evening together!
Youth Led Maundy Thursday Service Together with Community Youth!
A community YOUTH LED Maundy Thursday Service for all, at Southeast Christian Church. To help prepare your heart for Easter come join us April 13th at 7PM. Ten churches in the area have joined their youth together to create a powerful service led by youth. PUMC’s Youth will be visible in many ways from speakers, a prayer team and also providing food for all those involved! Here are two sign ups (Prayer Team & Food Team)
The prayer team will arrive at 5 PM to SEC to walk the building and pray for everyone involved in the service and for also those attending. CLICK HERE to be a part of the PRAYER TEAM.
We will also be providing food for the youth involved with the service (greeters, the band, youth leaders, speakers, prayer team, etc.) Food for about 35-40 people will be needed. CLICK HERE to volunteer to DONATE or BRING FOOD.
Sr. High Mission Trip Info.
PLEASE try to turn in your intent to attend form by April 30th if you plan to go (green sheet on Youth News Rack) or online CLICK HERE. I need to know how many people are planning to go and if we need to add or drop spaces as soon as possible. Here is the payment schedule if you are doing one, two or four payments:
Choose Your Payment Choice | |||
# of Payments | 1 Payment | 2 Payments | 4 Payments |
1st Payment Due | By April 30 | By April 30 | In March |
2nd Payment Due | By May 31 | By April 30 | |
3rd Payment Due | By May 31 | ||
4th Payment Due | By June 16 |
Jr. High Mission Trip Registration (current 5th – 7th graders)
You may now register online with Buckhorn Camp. Once you click the link, you need to scroll down and register for Youth In Mission, June 25-30. Please enter their grade they will be entering this coming fall. It is a little confusing as you continue to register. Please fill in ALL fields that are required. When you come to a part that says Family Camp, PLEASE scroll down towards the bottom of that section and add “Family Church & City.” So, they know you are from Parker United Methodist Church. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.
Parker Task Force Food Collection Day, April 15th!
We will be collecting food for the Parker Task Force at Walmart from 10-2 on Saturday, April 15. We’ll have two 2-hour shifts to cover. Please click here if you’d like to help! Be sure to wear your youth shirt!