
VBS Roar Title Artwork

VBS is Back!
Vacation Bible School is June 17-21 from 9 a.m. – Noon for kids ages 4 yrs old thru 5th Grade. This year’s theme is “Roar: Life is Wild, God is Good.” VBS is a great way to share Gods’ stories of love, compassion, and faith, with your kiddos, while having lots of fun and making new friends. Registration opens May 1st on our homepage www.parkerumc.org.

Volunteers Make it Big!
We need over 100 volunteers to make this a great experience for kids. Approximately 300 kids from our congregation, Little Blessings Preschool and the Parker community will be joining us for VBS. We need volunteers of all ages and talents. If you have any questions or like to serve/volunteer to help with VBS please email [email protected].