International Commitments

Feed My Starving Children

Founded in 1987, Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and we ship these meals to nearly 70 countries around the world.

With God’s help, Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) will strive to eliminate starvation in children throughout the world by helping to instill compassion in people to hear and respond to the cries of those in need.

Save the Date! The Parker MobilePack® returns to PUMC on October 21-22!

We’ve packed over a million meals; we’ll get started on our second million this year! After a long absence under Covid packing restrictions, we will hold our first annual post-covid event!

It takes a planning team as well as everyone’s labelling and packing skills during the event weekend to have a successful event. If you feel called to help with leading a leadership team, prayer support, promotion, logistics, volunteer coordination and hospitality. What? No fundraising? We have, by God’s grace and your faithful stewardship, already have sufficient funds to hold this year’s pack! Donations are always welcome to purchase food to feed more kids, but we will be able to fund our first 100,000 meals. If you feel called to help feed some of God’s most vulnerable children in Jesus’ name, please contact Julie Kronbach [email protected] to join the team. We will have an organizational meeting in early August.

Global Hope

God works through Global Hope to promote and nurture deep, lasting and loving relationships with abandoned, orphaned, and at-risk children, and to help the local communities in which these children live to develop sustainable resources for effective, Christian parenting.  God also works through Global Hope to provide cross-cultural and hands-on ministry opportunities for Christian volunteers.

For more information, visit

Heifer International

Heifer Project International works with communities to end hunger and poverty and care for the Earth. By providing animals, it gives families a hand-up, not just a handout, and empowers them to turn hunger and poverty into hope and prosperity, but our approach is more than that. By bringing communities together and linking them with markets in their area, we help bring sustainable agriculture and commerce to areas with a long history of poverty. PUMC members give gifts of animals and other contributions. For more information, visit

Wycliffe Bible Translator

Wycliffe’s vision is to see the Bible accessible to all people in the language they understand best. Today about 209 million people do not have any Scripture in their language. To make this vision a reality, Wycliffe also focuses on community development, literacy development and church partnerships. PUMC provides financial, prayer, and other support to Kim & Dusty Hill in their work in Entebbe, Uganda. For more information, visit