We Depend on Your Regular Giving
Your financial giving provides a home for a variety of ministries here at the church – ministries such as Little Blessings Preschool, AA and NA meetings, Boy Scouts, Youth Group meetings, Vacation Bible School – and many, many more.
You also are supporting, through our connections in the world-wide United Methodist Church, a variety of mission and missionary activities all around the globe. In many countries, you are supporting drinkable water, orphanages, job training, women’s rights, healthcare and so much more.
Pray and listen to God’s word as you consider your gift and then respond so that we can properly plan for the outreach possibilities that are within the reach of this church.
To set up online giving click the button below and choose General Budget from the “Select a Fund” drop down menu.

Endowment Gifts Make Scholarships Possible
For a number of years, the Endowment Committee has been granting scholarships to our qualified High School seniors who are going on to higher education. If anyone would like to donate funds to help with this project, you can select the option for “Endowment – Scholarships” on the GIVE page of the church’s website, or write a check to PUMC with “Endowment – Scholarships” in the memo line.

Parker Task Force
The Parker Task Force is dedicated to providing individuals and families in our community with food, limited financial assistance and other support services to help them become self-sufficient. These services will be delivered with compassion, dignity and respect by our 100% volunteer staff.
We work closely with PTF and hold food and clothing drives regularly for the organization. If you would like to make a donation of non perishable food please drop it by the church office.