Your Money Puts Ministry to Work
When you give to Parker United Methodist Church you’re giving more than money. You’re helping to create and grow opportunities to invite people to Jesus, affirm their faith and step out into the community to share God’s message of love and compassion. Check out the examples below.

Preschool Kids Learn and Grow in a Loving Space
Did you know that Little Blessings Preschool is a ministry of Parker UMC? The thriving preschool, serving over 270 kids and their families, is housed on our campus. That means when you write a check to Parker UMC’s general budget you’re providing classrooms, facilities, learning materials, and and amazing team of admin and teachers who love these kiddos in a faith based environment.

Safe People and Safe Places to Share Your Struggles
Jesus said, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
We all face challenges and trouble in our lives. Our pastoral staff, and our directors of Youth and Children are part of compassionate team that create safe spaces for people to talk about those challenges. Our Bible study groups and class groups often support each other in times of need. When you give your money to Parker UMC you’re providing classrooms, worship space, and highly trained staff to meet these needs.

A Strong Presence in the Community
Many groups that were started here at Parker UMC meet in public spaces like coffee shops. Their presence is a witness to the community of the fellowship and connection a faith based life can produce. Did you know that Parker Task Force, a local food bank, was started by a member of Parker UMC? When you give your money to Parker UMC you are providing staff to teach classes, empower and grow leaders, and send them into the community to be a presence for God.
Pledging at Parker UMC
If you’d like to provide your estimate of giving online please click here. When you are ready to set up your giving or adjust your current online giving visit our online giving portal.
Click the image below and print out the linked PDF file. This is your commitment card, representing your Estimate of Giving for 2022.