Sunday, January 21, 2018
Sunday School – Yes! All students meet at 9:30 in the Youth Room (#144)
- Unless you were told to come earlier, ALL YOUTH please arrive at 4:30
- Dinner will still be offered at 5:30 by the Reynolds Family – Thank you!
- Pick up at 6:00
Sunday, Jan. 28th is Youth Sunday
Please note – we will be leading ALL 3 services, so students need to arrive at 7:15 AM on Jan. 28th (unless they were told otherwise). They will be finished at 12:00. Please try to carpool, so not everyone has to come at 7:00. We will NOT have Youth Group later that day – as will have done enough and be very tired. Thank you for all of your help and support for this very important Sunday.
VERY IMPORTANT for 6th & 7th Grade Families 
If your student(s) would like to attend our mission trip to Buckhorn Camp this summer (June 17-22) – PLEASE try to register them THIS WEEKEND. The director of the camp contacted me Thursday and said other groups are looking at the same week, and they are running low on spots. He wanted to make sure everyone from our group had signed up who was going to. I asked him to give me through Sunday. So, please log on to, click on “Our Camps” and then choose 2018 Summer Camp Registration. Choose Youth In Mission: Session 1. You may make a $100 deposit to save a spot. After Sunday, it may get full…. Sorry to rush you!
Silent Auction Baskets for The Church-Wide Dance!
The Youth and Preteens are hosting a free church-wide dance on Friday, February 9th for ALL GENERATIONS. Although it is a free event there will be ways in which people can support our youth programs financially. Along with our 5050 donation envelopes, we will be having a small silent auction. We will have a basket from both the Jr. and Sr. High to be auctioned off. We ask you all to consider donating an item to add to the basket to help raise money. Below are the basket themes and ideas of items you may consider contributing. Items can be brought to youth group or to church on Sunday mornings or to the church during the week.
Jr. High – The Great Outdoors Basket
We will be offering all sorts of new items in this basket. Ideas may include: a lantern, marshmallow roasters, the makings for s’mores, a Cabela’s gift card, Target gift card, instead of a basket we could put it all in cooler if someone donated one, a gift card for a campground (do they do that??) or anything else you can think of that would be enticing! Remember, we WANT people to fight over it! Please list what you will be donating to the Great Outdoors Signup Genius, so we do not end up with 10 flashlights and a bag of marshmallows. Ha, ha! Jennifer Carlson will be putting this basket together. Deadline is Sunday, Feb. 4th. Thank you all SO much! This is going to be great!
Sr. High – The Gift of Romance!
Romance means different things to different people. Try to think about things you would enjoy if your significant other were to give you a gift. This basket might include bath salts, a gift card for a massage, candles or candle holders, restaurant gift cards, free babysitting coupon!, romantic music, jewelry, tickets to a show, a free night in a hotel somewhere, or anything else that speaks to you. But remember, we want this basket to be really wanted, so think about things people may fight over! Please list what you’ll be donating to The Gift of Romance Basket Signup Genius, so we don’t end up with 25 bath beads and a candle. Ha, ha! Paula Addy will be putting this basket together. Deadline is Sunday, Feb. 4th. Thank you all SO much! This is going to be awesome!
Announcing Youth Leadership Council Members
I am pleased to announce the members of our new Youth Leadership Council. This group will be responsible for welcoming new guests, helping plan, set up, clean up, lead and maybe even teach a lesson once in a while. Our group has been growing, and I am so excited to have the help, ear and advice from youth group representatives. In June everyone will “step up” to their new grade, so there will be some changes in the summer, but as of right now our leadership team from January to June will be:
- Jr. High – Alan Carlson, Caitlyn Voyles and Clara Phillips
- Sr. High – Jacob Addy, Evan Garneau, Kiara Gill
5050 & Youth Fundraiser
Providing opportunities for our students to strengthen and grow in their faith is a 50/50 kind of support system in the church. We must nurture and encourage the youth to help them discover and grow closer in their relationship with God. Youth have opportunities through Sunday School, youth group, retreats, mission trips and conferences. All of these take financing, and parents do their part by paying for their children to attend. But other charges add up like van rentals, gas, chaperone costs and supplies. On Jan. 28 we will have a donation based fundraiser available during Youth Sunday and each Sunday after leading up to, and during, the free “Church-Wide Dance” that the youth and preteens will be hosting on Feb. 9th. We will have a board with 100 envelopes available – each with a number between 1-100. Donors may choose an envelope and donate the amount on the envelope. When you add those numbers up it equals $5,050.