Sunday, January 29, 2017
Sunday School – YES! All Youth meet in the Youth Room (#144)
Youth Group – YES! Our regular schedule.
- 5:00 – Jr. High Youth Group (grades 6-8)
- 6:00 – Snack Supper for ALL ages. Provided by the Templeman Family – Thank you!
- 6:30 – 7:30 – Sr. High Youth Group (grades 9-12)
Sunday – Information Meeting for the Junior High Mission Trip
Sunday, January 29th at 5 PM in the Youth Room we will be having some of the youth share with us their experiences at the Youth In Mission Camp experience. We will talk about cost, dates and registration information. All current 5th – 7th graders and their families are welcome to hear more about our summer mission for junior high. We will be going to Buckhorn United Methodist Camp in Bellvue, just west of Fort Collins, June 25-30.
Super Bowl Party at the Farneys House Feb. 5!
On February 5th, our calendar says we’re having Youth Group. A small change – as we are going to have a Youth Group Super Bowl Party! The Farney family have graciously opened up their home to host us during that Sunday evening for food, fun and fellowship! Even if you’re not a football fan – come fellowship with us and watch the commercials! Although they are hosting, we are bringing the food, so click here to be taken to the Signup Genius to volunteer for food, drinks and supplies. Kick off is at 4:30, so you are welcome anytime between 3:30 – 9 PM. Please be gracious and clean up after yourself, but we will also need a clean up crew for the evening (also on the Signup Genius). Their address is: 20580 E. Regency Way, Parker, CO 80138. Hope to see you there!

Retreat Information for Great Wolf Lodge
Hopefully, you have received an informational E-Mail from me regarding the trip. If you did not receive it, please email, call or text me. Parents, I still need a couple of extra drivers! We have 41 students signed up and 6 chaperones, so I will need a few extra drivers to help transport students to and from the Great Wolf Lodge (Feb. 10/12). Friday night we will be stopping to eat at a fast food restaurant before we arrive at the GWL, so it will take a bit longer. If you are able to help, please email me ([email protected]) and let me know, besides yourself, how many students you can take in your car. I plan to assign students to cars for the trip there and back. Thank you in advance! (Drivers, I will need a copy of your license and insurance card.)
SkyZone/Arby’s Night – February 26
On February 26, we are ALL (both Sr. & Jr. High) meeting at SkyZone at 4:45. Our jump time is from 5-6. Afterwards we will walk across the parking lot to Arby’s for food and fellowship from 6-7. Jumping is $10, and Arby’s is probably around $10. You will pay me $10 for jumping either beforehand or when you get there. You will pay Arby’s for your meal. Fill out a liability waiver here and THEN email me that you are going. SkyZone will have a list of kids who have filled out forms, and I should have the same list. So please let me know you’re going as soon as you fill out the waiver on line. Parents drop at 4:45 at SkyZone, pick up at 7 at Arby’s.
Confirmation Classes begin January 29th
We have a small group registered this year, because we have moved the ages up. If you are not yet registered and would like to be, please email me ([email protected]) or call me at the church number (303-841-3979) and let me know. Confirmation is open to all students in grades 7-10. Classes are an hour and will start at 11AM in the youth room. The dates are Jan. 29 – April 30th with three Sundays off for Youth Retreat weekend, Spring break and Easter.
Youth Are Providing a Meal for the Winter Shelter Network
Wednesday, March 1st, the Youth are providing a meal, fellowship and friendship to families of the WSN. Please watch this email for more information and a link to a SignUp Genius.
Meals for Youth Group
Parents or small groups at church – are you able to provide a meal for the youth on a Sunday night? We usually have anywhere from 20-30 students between our two groups. Easy meals like casseroles, spaghetti, or sandwiches are always appreciated, and sharing a meal together is a large part of our fellowship time. To choose a date and sign up please click HERE for the Signup Genius. Thank you so much! You are very appreciated!
PLEASE Grab a 2017 Winter/Spring Calendar
Please check the Youth News Rack in the Narthex in January for the new 2017 winter/spring calendar of events! Remember to write in Super Bowl Party on Feb. 5th! And as always – the information about how to subscribe to the “Remind 101” messaging tool is on the bottom of the rack (green for Jr. High and purple for Sr. High info.) Text/Email alerts are sent out once or twice a week to remind students about events or changes to events. Also a weekly scripture/encouraging word is sent to students (and parents who are subscribers).