Be Kind
In the delightful book “Be Kind” by Pat Zietlow Miller we learn practical ways to be kind to one another. One small act of kindness can spread and multiply. Be sure to take the time to let your kiddo watch this story time video.
Like the story? You can purchase it here.

You Be You
When little Adri sets out to explore the ocean, he has no idea how colorful the world is. He quickly discovers that there are all kinds of fish in the deep blue sea—big and tiny, smooth and spiny, colorful and plain, different and the same. In this companion book to the best-selling Only One You, Kranz uses her famous rockfish to convey the message of beauty in difference in a vibrant and engaging way that will get kids hooked. Now in board book for younger children.
If you like this book and want to purchase it click here.

Ups and Downs With Joseph
Hey Families, Today we will hear the story of Joseph and his good and bad days. Joseph learned that he wasn’t alone during these good and bad times. I also have a coloring page, you can color while listening to the story!
You can download a fun coloring page for this story here.
Like the story? You can purchase it here.

Nothing Can Separate You from God’s Love
Can anything stop God’s love and God’s grace? This uplifting picture book joyfully explores the answer from Romans 8:38-39-nothing can separate us from God’s love. Curious children wonder if God’s love can be stopped by rumbling volcanoes, deep oceans, elaborate disguises, and personal shortcomings, and come to the comforting conclusion that “There is nothing so powerful, nothing so strong-God’s love is too high and too deep and too long!” With whimsical rhyme and imaginative illustrations, this affirming book gives children confidence in God’s unstoppable love.
Like the book? You can purchase it here

Water Bugs & Dragonflies
Hello Families! Today for Story time we are reading Water Bugs and Dragonflies. This book is most popular for explaining death to children. I chose this book for today, because it’s also about new life. The water bug in the story changes from a bug to a dragonfly. We will celebrate Jesus being alive on Sunday. Jesus is alive, but he has changed, Jesus is alive in all of us. Take time today to talk with your family about where you see Jesus alive in your home. I see Jesus in the spring weather and new life blooming all around us!
The Pilgrim Press introduces its perennial bestseller “Water Bugs and Dragonflies: Explaining Death to Young Children” by Doris Stickney in coloring book format.
Like the book? You can purchase it here.

God’s Great Love for You
Taking youngsters on a whimsical and heartfelt journey to places far and near, this delightful picture book from best-selling author Warren helps 4- to 8-year-olds learn more about God. The charming illustrations and simple yet poignant text lets them know that the Lord’s love is perfect—and with them wherever they go. 32 pages, hardcover from Zonderkidz.
Like the book? You can purchase it here.

For a Time Such as This
Children meet Bible-times friends who share their thrilling stories, each from their own view. They march side-by-side with David as he rushes toward Goliath. Turn with Peter to see Jesus alive after his resurrection. Stand next to Abraham under a glittering, star-filled sky, imagining impossible promises come true.

When God Made Light
Help children experience God’s creation! Pairing imaginative illustrations with lyrical verse, this charming book explores how God’s light chases away the shadows and provides the wonder of stargazing and firefly chasing. Most of all, kids will learn about the spark inside them that God will use to change the world. Ages 3 and up.
Like the book? You can purchase it here.

It Will Be Okay
Growing up brings change, and change triggers fears. How do kids learn that in the midst of these uncomfortable times, they don’t have to be afraid? Little Seed and Little Fox are facing fears, changes, and brand new things. And they don’t like it one bit! Through this unlikely friendship, children will discover that no matter how new or fearful their circumstances, God is always with them. Just as Little Seed and Little Fox learn to trust that the Farmer is good and kind, children will also learn to trust God.
Noteworthy: This author is one of a special group of women who writes for (in)courage, the popular online friendship community. Every day they take turns pulling up a chair to share their stories of what Jesus looks like in their every day, gloriously ordinary, and often messy lives.
If you read the (in)courage blog online, then you’ll be sure to enjoy this title.
Like the book? You can purchase it here.