Looking Forward – October // Rev. Randy

The month of October typically represents a shift in the life of the church. Everyone is settled into the fall season as the school systems gear up and small groups abound in the congregation. Worship services fill up and a spirit of vitality begins to flow into the hallways! I love October!

We celebrate the season and move forward with a spirit of hope as we also reach out to support those around us. We immediately think about our neighbors to the north who were devastated by incredibly destructive floods and our friends to the south who are rebuilding after the Black Forest fire. We count our blessings while we roll up our sleeves and dig in to make a difference in our world. Watch for ways you can serve and let us know about the opportunities you find!

In many ways, these are days that encourage us to reflect on our lives and to give thanks for the grace of God. The grace of God walks with us through difficult days and calls us to become all that God dreams we might be as children of the Kingdom.

Our reflections throughout the month (and on into November) will be focused on ways that we can continue to allow our faith to rise to the top. Our goal is to put God first with every aspect of our lives. I know it can be hard to swim against the stream, but I also know that there is a rich blessing that follows our faithfulness.

I see people stepping up all the time. Our youth leadership team is digging deep. The children’s team is going strong. The Little Blessing’s preschool team is full and overflowing with grateful families. The music ministry team continues to expand. God is gaining ground left and right! I love October! And I love ministry leaders who reach up, reach out, and move forward. I see it happening around every corner.

When we put God first, the Kingdom of God arrives in the world. It doesn’t arrive full blown but the Kingdom gains momentum step by step when Christian believers walk in faith.

I want to invite you to reflect on your own life. Are you putting God first in your family, at your work, in your classroom, and throughout your neighborhood? Are you allowing your faith to be expressed in accordance with our vows of commitment? Is your prayer life strong? Is your worship attendance growing? Is your life of giving solid and rising? Are you serving with passion and enthusiasm? And are you sharing your faith in ways that connect your life to the needs of others?

Let’s put God first and then watch the beauty of grace unfold!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all on Sunday!


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