Balancing All Things New

One month of full time youth ministry is under my belt. As I adjust to life as a mother and a full time staff member, I feel myself relying on God more than ever.  How can I do it all?  How can I be a good mom, friend, wife, housekeeper, and good at my job too?  When looking in my trusty Bible concordance under “change”, I came across 1Timothy 1:13-14.  Paul tells Timothy to “Hold on to the pattern of right teaching you learned from me.  And remember to live in the faith and love that you have in Christ Jesus.  With the help of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, carefully guard what has been entrusted to you.”

I’m a mom….and I just went from having 3 kids to 40 plus “kids”.  My family and the youth in this church have been entrusted to me.  If I am to “carefully guard” these two things, I must count on the Lord to help me! I don’t pretend to have all the answers, but I know that God and I are on this journey together.  I will rely on God’s help to make wise decisions, focusing on my strengths and capabilities as well as what we feel the needs of the youth in our church are.  I also am thinking about my own children, making sure to spend time with them.  It’s a tough balance, and I realize I am not alone as many moms also work.  I’m just new to it.  I’m new to saying no to things I really want to do or saying “maybe later” when I hear a really good idea.  I’m realizing I can’t do it all, and that’s okay.  With all the changes taking place in my life right now, I am counting on my right teachings, my faith that God will always be by my side, and the Holy Spirit to help me find my best yes.  And I pray that, wherever you are at in your life, that God will also guide your steps as He is guiding mine.

Cori Fitzpatrick

Director of Student Ministries

One Comment

  1. Being a working mom is one of the toughest jobs, but can also be very rewarding Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I really am excited about Youth Group this year and will help in any way I can to make it successful!

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