Biblical Understandings

Men’s Wednesday Study Group

Wednesday, 6:30 am/Kitchen/Room 137
Dates: Ongoing;
Frequency: Weekly 
For: Men
Childcare: No

Meet with other men for breakfast, study and discussion! This group has rotating leadership

Contact Jud Jacqua:  [email protected], 303-841-8579

Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible

Study (Bible Study Buddies)

Wednesday, 9:30-11:00/Room 137
Dates: September 16 through May 18;
Frequency: Weekly
For: Women
Childcare: No

This women’s group would love anyone to join them! They will be starting with a new, exciting author, Priscilla Shirer, who is appearing in the upcoming film War Room. This study should be challenging — come join us for this new adventure.

Contact: Suzie Walker: [email protected], 303-693-3338; Loretta Smits: [email protected], 303-317-4117

Women’s Wednesday Night Bible Study

Wednesday, 5:45-7:00 pm/Room TBD
Dates: Starting Sept. 9;
Frequency: Weekly
For: Women
Childcare: No

The Women’s Wednesday Night Bible Study studies different scholars of the Bible. We strive for open-minded discussions about the Bible, always challenging members to explore different viewpoints, relate our study directly to our lives, and in so doing deepen our spiritual awareness and expand our life perspective. There is a rotating leadership.

Contact: Cynthia Jaqua, [email protected], 720-849-1186

Almost Empty Nesters

Thursday 9:00-11:00 am/Bader home
Dates: Starting September;
For: Women
Childcare: No

We will start by studying Twelve Women of the Bible by Lisa TerKeurst. Each session is independent of the others so you can join in this warm fellowship as you are able. Hope to see you soon!

Contact: Marci Bader, 303-887-7246

Community Bible Study

Monday, 7:00-8:30 pm
Location: Lutheran High School, Parker
Dates: mid-September through mid-May
Frequency: Weekly
For: Both men and women
Childcare: No. Separate classes for children in K-5th grade and teens in 6-12th grade

Want to expand your understanding of the Bible by studying with people of other religious traditions? Community Bible Study is an international interdenominational Bible study beginning September 21. Focus for the 2015-16 year is I & II Corinthians, combining a detailed Disciple-type study with diverse discussion and interaction.

Contact: or contact Jill Rogers at 303-993-3251.

Contemporary Christian Book Group

Wednesday, 7:00-8:30 pm/Room 216
Dates: August – December, February-June; Frequency: First Wednesday of month
For: Women
Childcare: No

The Contemporary Christian book group reads both contemporary fiction and non-fiction to expand our horizons, deepen our faith and share fellowship with fellow readers. Check the Cross and Flame to learn the books we are reading.

Contact: Susan Gustin, [email protected], 303-324-1226