Welcome to our Amazed by God landing page!
On this page you’ll be able to get answers to frequently asked questions, watch our home fellowship video, get links to online giving and read campaign documents. We are so very grateful for all of you and your commitment to Parker United Methodist Church and its ministries.
There are many ways to give. We have a commitment card available in pdf format. If you’d like, print it, fill it out and return it to the church. You also have the option to give online. If you have any questions please contact the church office at 303-841-3979.
[button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://parkerumc.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/AbG-Updated-CommitmentCard.pdf” target=”blank” button_color_fon=”#00cdfb” ]Download Printable Form[/button] [button type=”churchope_button” url=”https://parkerumc.ccbchurch.com/form_response.php?id=215″ target=”” button_color_fon=”#00cdfb” ]Invest Online[/button]
[tab title=”Updates”]
November 23, 2015
Outdoor work is beginning with the removal and relocation of trees, potholing for gas lines, and the addition of an erosion fence. The winter weather lately has stalled the project but we will be sure to let you know as more progress is made.
February 15, 2016
Our site contractor has begun storm sewer work, and that will include some disruption of some parking areas. We will endeavor to coordinate the work with ongoing church activities, especially Sunday parking. Asking for understanding by pre-school and church participants in being flexible.
March 16, 2016
We are pouring curbs and finishing the details for paving the middle north lot. Please continue to pay attention to road cones and areas that are blocked off.
March 21, 2016
Paving has begun on the middle north lot! This week they will be preparing the upper north lot for paving and hope to complete that component next week.
August 1, 2016
Paving is almost completed in the south and east lots now. We are getting very close to the end of the project!
[tab title=”FAQs”]
During the Home Fellowship Gatherings, there were several questions raised and submitted in writing, seeking additional information. We have reviewed all the questions, put them in categories, and included a response with updated information. An email address has been established where you can submit other questions as they arise. That email is [email protected]
Periodically you will receive Amazed By God updates in the Cross & Flame and other publications. We have also added an Amazed By God webpage off of the Church’s home page where we will post these Q&As, a link to see the Amazed By God video shown at the Home Fellowship Sessions, more detailed time lines and plans as they are finalized and available, and a link to the on-line commitment form. We have also set up on-line giving for both Amazed By God commitments and commitments to the 2015 General Budget.
Your Amazed By God Team.
Timeline, Phases & Priorities–Your Questions:
- What is the timeline for completion of the work?
- Will it be done in phases or all at once?
- When will construction begin?
- What is the priorities list?
- Are the bids set and require permits?
- What areas will be paved and will there be adequate lighting?
- Have the designs for the Fellowship Hall been completed and when can the work start?
- Is there a detailed design plan that is available?
We plan to complete the project as money becomes available through the commitments. We will be phasing those individual components as they can be funded. The primary focus will be those items that we committed to The Town of Parker in 2006. The phasing was a concession from the Town, recognizing the Church’s limited financial resources at the time. We hope to have these completed during the next 3 years, or sooner, as funds become available. We will be working with construction companies to obtain bids and appropriate permits. We have not produced detailed design plans for any of the projects, but a general layout is on the wall in the upper entrance next to the church’s offices. This plan shows the requirements from the town, including the plans for paving with adequate lighting. Detailed plans will be created and available as we obtain funds. In general, the following are the requirements to obtain a permanent occupancy certificate as well as estimated costs:
- Pave existing Parking Lots: $250,000
- Design and Pave Additional Parking Lots and Sidewalk: $300,000
- Final Master Plan Landscaping Improvements: $105,000
- Drainage: $18,000
- Exterior waterproofing repair (a necessity, not town required): $27,000
- Total: $700,000
Funds raised above the $700,000 will be used to partially fund any remodeling within the building and debt reduction.
Total Dollars Needed–Your Questions:
The video talks about $700 thousand needed for the external improvements and the existing debt of $3.3 million, what is the relationship between the two?
- Are we going to increase the $3.3 million debt, and when will it be paid off?
- Are we borrowing from the bank based on pledges?
- Why do we have a goal of $1.5 million?
The $700 thousand is detailed above and is not connected to our current bank loan. The $3.3 million is the current balance on our bank loan. The interest rate on that bank loan was renegotiated last year to 2.47%. The loan matures in 2018 and we hope to be able to pay it off or refinance if necessary. The interest portion of the loan payment has always come out of the operating budget and the principal portion historically has come out of the building fund, due to financial restraints. Thanks to the generosity of our congregation, both the interest and principal will be included in the 2015 operating budget. We have no plans to borrow from the bank based on pledges. The $1.5 million was a target mostly because people continued to ask for a number and it was established on that basis. While Amazed By God certainly has a financial component, the main goal is to continue our never ending journey of developing our relationship with God and other members of our church family.
Commitment Cards: Your Questions
- Are we including the operating budget in this campaign?
- Can we give a single upfront donation rather than 3 years?
- Can I make my pledge over 3 years rather than 1 lump sum?
- What is the Pioneer Dinner?
- When do we get the campaign cards?
- As new people come in will they be made aware of the Amazed by God campaign?
- What follow up will take place over the next 3 years?
We are doing both the capital campaign commitment as well as the commitment for the 2015 operating budget. There will be 2 separate portions of the commitment card to fill out, one for the capital campaign and one for the 2015 operating budget. For those who have the ability to give a single upfront sacrificial gift, by all means you can do that. Many folks will desire to give their sacrificial gifts over a 3 year period. It is totally up to each person/family. Obviously, the faster we receive financial gifts, the quicker we can finish the projects. The Pioneer Dinner is an event that allows you to be a “pioneer” by recording your commitment card early, before the October 26th Celebration Sunday. If you don’t attend the Pioneer Dinner, you will receive your commitment card by mail. There will also be commitment cards available at the church. You will place the commitment cards in an offering on the October 26th Celebration Sunday. New people coming into the life of our church will be exposed to Amazed by God during our Springboard classes. There is a “Follow up Committee” that will keep Amazed by God alive during the next 3 years.
Landscaping: Your Questions
- Is the Memorial Garden staying?
- Why do we need additional landscaping?
There is no current change in the Memorial Garden location, and the additional landscaping is a requirement of our commitment to the Town of Parker in the 2006 agreement.Again, other questions can be submitted via email to [email protected][/tab]
[tab title=”Documents and Videos”]
During the course of this campaign we have created many informational materials including newsletters, brochures and a video detailing the projects. Click the links to view and/or print these documents.
Home Fellowship Video
- Newsletter 1
- Newsletter 2
- Newsletter 3
- Home Fellowship Brochure [/tab][/tabgroup]